M.Sc. and Ph.D. Thesis

The M.Sc. and PhD thesis  are assessed by a board of examiners approved by the Chairman of the Program Committee on the recommendation of the research supervisor.


Your dissertation or thesis must comply with highly rigorous guidelines, as outlined in the Presentation and evaluation guide to M.Sc. and Ph.D. thesis  published by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (FGPS). The guides and models of documents, as well as many tools, are available on the UdeM libraries website.

Please read carefully the policy regarding the conditions of presentation of M.Sc and Ph.D. thesis of the Faculty of Medicine (classic form, article based or hybrid).

If you wish to write your thesis “article based”, you must fill out Article writing request and forward it to the programs.

Initial Submission

You must send a notice of submission to the Programs Office approximately 2 months before the submission date (Form for the M.Sc.; Form for the Ph.D.). This will initiate the process of nomination of the Examination Board (Form for the jury nomination – M.Sc.; form for the jury nomination – Ph.D.). Please visit the FGPS website to get familiar with required forms.

*** Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, please take note of the new procedure for signing the final report of the jury for the examination of a doctoral thesis ***

The initial submission can be made by email to the Program. If the files are not too large, you can send them as attachments (in Word format and PDF format). Alternatively, you can send by email a OneDrive link to the PDF and Word documents.

Electronic submission of the M.Sc. and Ph.D. thesis (Final deposit)

Once evaluated and approved by the Examination Board, the thesis or the dissertation should be electronically submitted. Please visit the website of the libraries of the University of Montreal for more information.


Composition of the Thesis Committee

  • the Chairman, who must be a member of the programs. This choice must be made in consultation with the Responsible of the attach Unit;
  • the research supervisor;
  • an external member to the research centre;
  • an external member to the Université de Montréal (only in case of thesis).

The jury should not be composed of collaborators who jointly published in the last 5 years, with your supervisor or co-supervisor. The Examination Board members are selected in consultation with the Head of your Unit and is validated by the Director of the Programs.

Dean representative: you have to propose 2 professors outside of your research center.