Centre de recherche, CHU Sainte-Justine
T 514 345-4931 #3586
345-4931 #3282 (sec.)
F 514 345-4731
Axes de recherche
- Génomique
- Bioinformatique
- Génétique humaine et maladies génétiques
Description de la recherche
- Génétique des populations et génétique évolutionnaire
- L’évolution et la diversité du génome humain – l’origine et l’histoire génétique des populations humaines
- Analyse expérimentale et statistique – approches formelles en génétique des populations et en évolution génomique – la bioinformatique.
Research axis
- Genomic
- Bioinformatics
- Human genetics and genetic diseases
Research description
- Evolutionary and population genetics
- Evolution and variability of the human genome – origins and genetic history of human populations
- Experimental and statistical analysis – formal approaches in population genetics and in evolutionary genomics – bioinformatics
- Moreau C, Bherer C, Vézina H, Jomphe M, Labuda D, Excoffier L (2011) Deep human genealogies reveal a selective advantage to be on an expanding wave front. Science 334 (6059):1148-50. Epub 2011 Nov 3.
- Yotova V, Lefebvre J F, Moreau C, Gbeha E, Hovhannesyan K, Bourgeois S, Bédarida S, Azevedo L, Amorim A, Sarkisian T, Avogbe P, Chabi N, Dicko M H, Kou E S, Amouzou S, Sanni A, Roberts-Thomson J, Boettcher B, Scott RJ, Labuda D (2011) Modern Humans Encounter with Neandertals at the Gate of their out of-Africa Migration. Mol Biol Evol 2011 28(7):1957-62
- Labuda D, Lefebvre JF, Nadeau P and Roy-Gagnon M-H (2009) Female to male breeding ratio in modern humans. Am J Hum Genet. 2010 86(3):353-63 and 86(6): 982
- Zietkiewicz E, Yotova V, Gehl D, Wambach T, Arrieta I, Batzer M, Cole DEC, Hechtman P, Kaplan F, Modiano D, Moisan J-P, Michalski R and Labuda D (2003) Haplotypes in the dystrophin DNA segment point to a mosaic origin of modern humans’ diversity. Am J Hum Genet. 73:994-1015
- Gilbert N and Labuda D (1999) CORE-SINEs: Eukaryotic short interspersed retroposing elements with common sequence motif. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 96:2869-2874.