Prentki, Marc


Centre de recherche – CHUM
Institut du cancer de Montréal
T 514 89-8000 #26811
F 514 412-7858

Description de la recherche

Transduction de signaux dans la cellule pancréatique B en réponse au glucose, acides gras et facteurs de croissance.  Régulation de la sécrétion de l’insuline par le glucose.  Étude du mécanisme de la “glucolipotoxicité” et de la décompensation de la cellule ß- dans l’étiologie des diabètes de type 1 et 2.

Research description

Nutrient signaling and the regulation of insulin secretion in the pancreatic B cell.  Control of pancreatic  ß-cell growth and apoptosis by glucose, fatty acids and peptide growth factors.  Study of the mechanism of  ß-cell “glucolipotoxicity” in the etiology of adipogenic type 2 diabetes as well as type 1 diabetes.


  • Tiano JP, Delghingaro-Augusto V, Le May C, Liu S, Kaw MK, Khuder SS, Latour MG, Bhatt SA, Korach KS, Najjar SM, Prentki M, Mauvais-Jarvis F. Estrogen receptor activation reduces lipid synthesis in pancreatic islets and prevents β cell failure in rodent models of type 2 diabetes. J Clin Invest 2011; 121:3331-3342.
  • Nolan, CJ and Prentki M. Type 2 diabetes across generations: from pathophysiology to prevention and management. Lancet 378:169-81, 2011
  • Peyot ML, Pepin E, Lamontagne J, Latour MG, Zarrouki B, Lussier R, Pineda M, Jetton TL, Madiraju SR, Joly E, Prentki M. Beta Cell Failure in Diet-Induced Obese mice stratified according to body weight gain: secretory dysfunction and altered islet lipid metabolism without steatosis or reduced beta cell mass. Diabetes. 2010; 59: 2178-2187.
  • Peyot ML, Guay C, Latour MG, Lamontagne J, Lussier R, Pineda M, Ruderman NB, Haemmerle G, Zechner R, Joly E, Madiraju SR, Poitout V, Prentki M. Adipose Triglyceride Lipase Is Implicated in Fuel- and Non-fuel-stimulated Insulin Secretion. J Biol Chem. 2009; 284:16848-59.
  • Sladek,R., Rocheleau, G., Rung, J., Dina, C., Shen, L., Serre, D., Boutin, P., Vincent, D., Belisle, A., Hadjadj, S., Balkau, B., Heude, B., Charpentier, G., Hudson, TJ., Montpetit, A., Prentki, M., Posner, BI., Balding, DJ., Meyre, D., Polychronakos, C., and Froguel. P. A Genome-wide association study identifies novel susceptibility loci for Type 2 Diabetes mellitus. Nature 445:881-885 (2007)