IRIC – Université de Montréal
T 514 343-6111 #0317
F 514 343-6843
Axes de recherche
- Mitose
- Développement et différentiation tissulaire
- Cancérologie
- Systèmes modèles en biologie moléculaire
- Biologie des systèmes
Description de la recherche
Dynamique du cytosquelette et de la division cellulaire
Research axis
- Mitosis
- Development and tissue differentiation
- Cancer
- Model systems in molecular biology
- Systems biology
Research description
Cytoskeletal dynamics and cell division
- Dorn, J.F., Zhang, L., Paradis, V., Edoh-Bedi, D., Jusu, S., Maddox, P.S. and A.S. Maddox. 2010. Actomyosin tube formation in polar body cytokinesis that requires Anillin in C. elegans. Current Biology. 2010. 20:2046-51.
- Maddox, A.S., L.K. Lewellyn, A. Desai, and K. Oegema. 2007 Anillin and the septins promote asymmetric ingression of the cytokinetic furrow. Dev. Cell. 12:827-835.
- Maddox, A.S., B. Habermann, A. Desai, and K. Oegema. 2005. Distinct roles for two C. elegans anillins in the gonad and early embryo. Development. 132:2837-48.
- Piekny, A.J. and A.S. Maddox. The myriad roles of Anillin in Cytokinesis. Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology issue on Cytokinesis. 2010. Dec; 21(9):881-91
- Lacroix, B and A.S. Maddox. Cytokinesis, Ploidy and Aneuploidy. Invited submission for the J. Pathology annual review article 2012. Eds. N. Wright and R. Poulsom. DOI: 10.1002/path.3013